To radiate the good stuff.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Telling African Stories - the simple vision.

As I lay awake at 2am this morning as I often do so as to be awake when the ideas crystalise in my head, it finally came to me. I like how that sounds like a vision and it is. For years I have toyed with the idea of "Telling African Stories" in one form or the other and this morning the 3words finally came together to form a goal. There had been thousands of words and images in all forms and languages but finally last night I could narrow the vision down. The thing that excites me enough to keep me awake at night is "Telling African Stories" and that is what I shall do.
This is a sub-vision to the supreme vision to radiate, warmth , love, beauty, hope and all things good.
And so I shall tell the stories in a way that reinforces my ultimate raison d'etre.

On other nights since birth other aspects of the vision would play in my mind. I would play them over and over again in my head, the poems, the epic tales, the documentaries, the movies, the publications, the paintings, the songs, the music, the people and their voices.

Out of all the definitions of myself, there is one that I have always been comfortable and confident in and that is that I am an artist. This definition transcends my qualifications and the work that I do and is just the me that I am.

In the limited occassions that I have engaged with my father there is one occassion where I recieved a blessing, command, direction, prophecy and an answer all in one. I asked him should I study Law or Journalism. He said, study law, you can be a journalist at anytime you choose because that is in your blood you dont need to study it. My father's words have always been precious because often they were all we could share. So I hang on to these as permission, per mission and blessing.

And so, this may not be my day job, but wish me well as I continue this journey whose route I have been travelling subconsciuosly all this time. Now I can pick up the pace as I walk with a three word destination in mind "Telling African Stories".

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